Posted: 05.07.2024 11:18:00

Xi Jinping confident in successful development of Belarus-China relations

Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed confidence that China-Belarus relations would continue to develop healthily and with great strides under joint efforts of both countries, Xinhua reports

“I believe China-Belarus relations will continue to develop healthily and with great strides under joint efforts of both countries,” the news agency quotes Xi Jinping, who met with Belarus’ President Aleksandr Lukashenko on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Astana.

Congratulating Belarus on its official accession to the SCO, Xi Jinping pointed to the close contacts maintained between the two countries at all levels, as well as the successful implementation of the agreements reached. The Chinese leader recalled that last year Aleksandr Lukashenko visited China twice, during which a roadmap was outlined to promote the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnerships between Beijing and Minsk.

The SCO summit was held on July 3rd-4th in the capital of Kazakhstan, where Belarus became a full-fledged member of the organisation.