Posted: 21.09.2022 17:43:00

Volfovich: Belarus poses no threat to anyone

The people's militia in Belarus is designed to protect the country, and Belarus does not pose a threat to anyone – as stated by the State Secretary of Belarus’ Security Council, Aleksandr Volfovich, after today’s meeting in Moscow with the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev, and consultations between the two countries’ security councils, BelTA reports

"The people's militia in Belarus is a new type of formation that will be designed to protect the country and its territory, if necessary. The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has repeatedly voiced that Belarus does not threaten anyone, it protects its national interests, its land and its territories," Mr. Volfovich said.

"Of course, we are strengthening our borders and their protection, we see the militarisation and increased military activity on the territory of our neighbouring states. We see an increase in the number of troops, groups, military drills and flights of reconnaissance aircraft – not only from the West, but also from our southern neighbour, our once brotherly Ukraine," the State Secretary noted.

"Belarus does not pose a threat to anyone, but we are ready, we are taking all steps to protect our western and southern borders. One of the tasks set by the President is to do everything possible so that aggressive neighbours do not attack through the territory of Belarus, from the west of our fraternal Russia," Mr. Volfovich stated.

"All measures are being taken on the territory of Belarus to protect the country and defend its borders. The Armed Forces of Belarus are not going to attack anyone, but the country’s national security, defence and law enforcement agencies are ready to fight back in case of crossing of our border and some provocative actions on the part of our neighbours. All systems of Belarus’ power department work harmoniously and systematically, they are solving security problems," the State Secretary of the Security Council said.