Posted: 17.10.2023 17:28:00

Shpilevskaya on how events in Ukraine affect the mood of Europeans

Ordinary citizens of European countries are sincerely perplexed as to why they and their families should suffer because of political games, in particular the Ukrainian conflict – as noted by Olga Shpilevskaya, the Chairperson of the Belarusian Women’s Union and Director of the Mir TV and Radio Company representative office in Belarus, in her talk with Alfa Radio

The expert is convinced that ordinary Europeans do not support the idea of providing assistance to Kiev. According to Olga Shpilevskaya, then European residents were faced with the need to strictly save electricity and water, when their business began to suffer, they wondered why they and their families were suffering.

“The mood of ordinary people has always been different from the mood of politicians. Ordinary Europeans with whom I spoke do not support arms supplies to Ukraine and do not understand why their standard of living should worsen because of this military conflict. Russians are treated very well in Bulgaria, because Russian citizens made up the lion’s share of tourists visiting them. But recently these tourist flows have stopped. The Germans who are engaged in small business understand that it is built on Russian energy resources. Why should they suffer losses and make their families suffer? So that the politicians of the collective West deal with the main supplier of cheap energy resources through the hands of Ukrainians?” noted the guest of the studio.

Ordinary people in European countries think soberly, seeing absolutely no benefits from the Ukrainian conflict.

The Chairperson of the Belarusian Women’s Union underlined, “On the contrary, they are told not to wash and endure the cold. These days, Paris is infested with bedbugs. Europeans have not taken to the streets with protests yet, but if their politicians do not come to their senses, this is all to come.”

Moreover, big problems threaten Ukraine due to the worsening of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, “The US will certainly support Israel, and most of the weapons and funds intended for Ukraine will be redirected to the Middle East. No one will stop the Ukrainian conflict until there is deep interest from the West and the United States. Obviously, this is a very bad story for Ukraine. It was out of hopelessness and fear of being left without support that Zelenskyy came to Israel. He wants to remind of himself and to show that they are in the same boat and must hold on to each other. But this will not help: while the Middle East is burning, attention to Ukraine will rapidly fade away.”