Posted: 14.01.2022 12:32:00

Shevchenko: once a politician leaves his country, he is no longer a politician

Information appeared on the Internet that the Security Service of Ukraine opened a criminal case against the Verkhovna Rada deputy, Yevgeny Shevchenko: he is suspected of high treason. He shared his views regarding this situation with ONT TV channel.

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“I have never been afraid of anything. If you go into politics, especially Ukrainian, you must understand that anything can happen to you. As an example, I will cite the situation with Yulia Tymoshenko: Yanukovych once imprisoned her for almost 2.5 years. In politics, you have to be ready for anything,” he said.

At the same time, Mr. Shevchenko added that there was no official initiation of a case against him, “The facts received from the prosecutor’s office do not confirm the existence of the case, but they do not refute it either.”

The deputy added that he does not plan to leave his native country against all odds. “Once a politician leaves his homeland, he is no longer a politician,” he said.

The guest from Ukraine continued, “My disagreement with someone’s opinion about who are enemies and who are not, how one should behave, for example, with Belarus, is already a reason for hatred and criticism. Although the topic of Belarus is close and understandable to me. By the way, Shevchenko’s entire policy in Ukraine is associated as close to Lukashenko’s regime. The principle of the mob prevails in the public opinion of my country. But I understand that this flock wants to deceive the entire nation. Meanwhile, Ukrainians do not think the way they do, I know how ordinary people live. I stay with them. I often meet people who tell me that no matter what, they support me,” he said.