Presidential Library fund replenished with 160 books from personal fund of Head of State
The Presidential Library of the Republic of Belarus will celebrate its anniversary on December 10th. The history of this unique book treasury began back in 1933, it was called then the Gorky Government Library. There are now 14 departments in the structure of the library, with almost 100 employees. On the eve of the holiday, these people were solemnly awarded at the Council of Ministers’ hall.
About 15 thousand readers are registered in the library at present, and they annually visit it more than 100 thousand times.
Igor Lutsky, the Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration, congratulated the employees and said he is also an active reader, “Since 1994, the library has been proudly named the Presidential one. Over this period, generations of employees have changed, the library staff has been formed, but the love to the Motherland and the desire to bring knowledge to people have remained unchanged. Today, about 1.5m books are kept here, including almost 70 thousand old-print and rare editions. This is a great treasure of our country.”
Igor Lutsky solemnly announced the congratulations of the President. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that, due to the professional experience of many generations of employees and the use of modern information technologies, the institution is now one of the largest educational centres. “The library successfully solves the tasks of methodological support for the activities of public administration bodies, systematisation and preservation of important documents. I am convinced that you will continue to selflessly serve the national culture, strengthen the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Belarus," the Head of State cordially congratulated the library employees and wished them good health, achievements in work, happiness and well-being.
Igor Lutsky also solemnly announced what gift the President had prepared for the library workers and readers, “In honour of the anniversary, Aleksandr Lukashenko instructed to send 160 editions from the personal fund of the Head of State to the fund of the Presidential Library. There are 18th and 19h century editions among them, quite interesting and rare. There are also modern publications that will be of interest to library readers.”
The Director of the Presidential Library, Sergei Kvachan, in turn, thanked for the excellent collection of books, “It is a great honour for us today, on the eve of our anniversary, to receive excellent publications and congratulations from the Head of State. I assure you that the books received will find the worthiest place in our collection and will be widely used by readers. Thank you for this pleasant and unexpected surprise.”