Posted: 24.07.2023 16:31:00

Political scientist doesn’t rule out possibility of hot conflict in Taiwan in the coming years

The situation around Taiwan is escalating, so a hot conflict may break out on the island in the coming years – as noted by political scientist, Americanist Malek Dudakov in his talk with the Soloviev Live TV channel


According to the expert, the United States is not ready to give Taiwan to China without a fight.

“As far as the confrontation around Taiwan is concerned, as we can see, it continues. China conducts its military drills and deploys hypersonic missiles. The PRC has many plans on how to conduct this military operation while the Americans, as we see, are not ready to give Taiwan to China without a fight. Now large military drills have begun in Australia, involving the US, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan and several other states. India, by the way, is represented at these exercises as an observer. More than 30,000 sailors are taking part,” Malek Dudakov said.

Thus, according to the political scientist, the US is putting together a coalition against China, which – in case of a military operation against Taiwan – can be involved in the conflict.

“And then the US military, which could somehow change the situation around this hot spot. I think that everything will continue to escalate. It is quite possible that in the coming years this will lead to a hot conflict,” Malek Dudakov underlined.