Opinion: international human rights organisations act as instrument of political pressure
When the situation in a particular country does not develop according to a scenario of the West, the latter starts referring to human rights, and the so-called international human rights organisations – such as Human Rights Watch, for example – become its main ‘guardian’. In the ‘right’ Western media, they are presented as fighters for the truth, justice and respect for international law. Political expert Piotr Petrovsky explained what is hidden behind these supposedly good intentions.
“Only really independent and official international organisations can talk about human rights today. However, even among them, lobbying of the interests of Western countries is evident, and we can talk about bias in this regard. These organisations do not represent any international legal force. They were created for the most part either at the expense of Western governments, or at the expense of multinational corporations and interested private foundations. Their goal is not to protect human rights, but to use this rhetoric in geopolitical interests. If we look at organisations such as Human Rights Watch, Freedom House, and Amnesty International, we can well see that they constantly demonstrate alleged human rights problems in the countries that disagree with the policies of the collective West. Conversely, they turn a blind eye to unprecedented human rights violations in the West. Presenting themselves as supposedly independent organisations, they are in fact an instrument of political pressure and discredit on the international field of the states objectionable to Western governments and their special services," Mr. Petrovsky noted.