Posted: 07.11.2023 15:25:00

November 7th solemnly celebrated in Minsk

The solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to Vladimir Lenin and a festive rally took place today on Nezavisimosti Square in Minsk as part of the celebration of the 106th anniversary of the October Revolution

The October Revolution is the greatest progressive event of the 20th century, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, Aleksei Sokol, said in his speech, “This holiday is inextricably linked with the fate of Belarus and each of its citizens. Thanks to the Great October Revolution, we have gained an independent state that is confidently moving along the path of creation, building a society – strong in its intellectual potential, patriotic aspirations and spiritual values.”

The Head of the Communist Party of Belarus added that today’s holiday is a tribute to those who defended the principles of social justice and democracy, “This is a tribute to those who forged the Great Victory, who raised the country from ruins and ashes in the post-war period, who built production complexes and ensured the growth of the well-being of the working people. There’s no history without memory. There’s no culture and spirituality without history. There’s no education without spirituality. There’s no nation without a person. During the years of socialist construction, a strong industrial, sci-tech and cultural potential of the Belarusian statehood was laid in our republic, which today is the key to its sovereignty and prosperity.

Having adopted all the best from the Soviet era, our country is going its own way, developing and moving forward, striving for social justice, and thereby ensuring a decent life for our citizens and the consolidation of society.

Aleksei Sokol underlined, “The President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko, noted that the ideas of the October Revolution still remain a real alternative to the colonial policy of capitalism in its modern form. The entire Belarusian society supports the policies pursued by our national leader. Our main task is to unite, mobilise and become a monolithic society.”

Speaking at the solemn meeting, deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, member of the Communist Party of Belarus Sergei Klishevich noted that 106 years ago the Great October Socialist Revolution took place, which defended the right of the working people to live with justice, “One hundred and six years ago, the October Revolution helped Belarusians defend their right to have their own state. Thanks also to the person near whose monument we are standing today, the dream of many generations of our compatriots came true: the first national Belarusian state – the BSSR – appeared on the political map of the world!”

The deputy recalled that 82 years ago, on November 7th, 1941, a legendary parade took place on Moscow’s Red Square, the participants of which immediately went to the front to defend not only our Motherland, but the whole world from the Nazi – the brown plague – and in this fight they won, defeating fascism.

The parliamentarian also added, “Today, many Western countries – led by the United States – are again trying to rehabilitate fascism, using the same methods against independent and unshakable states and peoples as Hitler’s Germany did over eighty years ago. They are trying to trample on the memory of the Heroes, our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. Today, November 7th, 2023, we’re together in the hero city of Minsk, on Nezavisimosti Square, celebrating the next anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. We’ve gathered here to decisively say no to modern fascists and their accomplices! We’ve gathered here to protect our history and its Heroes, who are in every Belarusian family! We’ve gathered here to reiterate that we won’t allow anyone to interfere in our affairs and tell us how to live and what to do. We’ll definitely win this fight! Because we honour our history, respect our laws and love Belarus!”