Posted: 18.06.2024 13:26:00

New military uniform samples presented to Lukashenko

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has been shown new samples of military uniform before today’s Security Council meeting at the Palace of Independence began, BelTA reports

The samples were prepared by the Defence Ministry following the President’s instruction, and – as commented at the military department – the changes are due to global trends, the transformation of combat training tasks performed by military personnel, as well as the need to unify individual items of uniform for different categories of military personnel.

"What has been changed? What’s wrong with the uniform that is available now?” Aleksandr Lukashenko asked.

As Andrei Burdyko, the Deputy Defence Minister for Logistics, Chief of Logistics, reported to the President, the proposed changes will expand the functionality of the military uniform, ensure convenience when wearing it, taking into account the specifics of the tasks performed by military personnel.

All innovations — the list, names of military clothing items and their colours – are envisaged in a draft presidential decree. A tactical shirt, a fleece jacket, a summer and winter muffler for combat uniforms are planned for sewing. Fur collars in winter jackets will be replaced with textile ones, and the piping on the uniform of the internal troops of the Interior Ministry will be maroon – as a tribute to traditions.

Dresses will be sewn for women, and their uniform will also be complemented with a hat and a bow tie, as well as spring-autumn boots. Cadets will be provided with the so-called office sets of trousers and jackets (the existing casual uniform with a service coat will be worn for special events), as well as polo shirts (like for soldiers) for the summer period.

According to the Defence Ministry, the uniform of the Suvorov Military School students should also undergo changes, since the existing one was approved in 1996. New models will look like the uniform of cadets, though made in the usual dark shades. The changes will be fixed in a separate decree.

"How much will these innovations cost?” the Head of State asked, and Mr. Burdyko replied, “The expenditure will remain unchanged – due to an increase in the period of wear and the replacement of other items of clothing.” He added that the developed models had been sent to the troops for experimental wear. The wishes and suggestions of the military personnel were taken into account during the uniform production.

“It’s great if it suits you. Do not ask for extra money. Let it be so,” the President concluded.

At the same time, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that all issues that arouse with regard to the need to improve the uniform should be resolved promptly, it is no need to spend years to settle them.

It is expected that the new uniform will be sent to the army in Q3 or Q4 2024, after the necessary regulatory legal acts and internal documents are adopted.

Importantly, all samples have been sewn at Belarusian enterprises and from domestic fabrics. The textile industry flagships — Mogotex (Mogilev) and Kamvol (Minsk) – participated in the production, and about ten enterprises of the garment industry were involved in the work in total.

"98 percent of the fabrics used for making clothes are Belarusian, and this is a pleasing fact," Tatiana Lugina, the Chairperson of the Bellegprom Concern, informed, adding that special attention had been paid to the protective properties of new uniform samples and their wear resistance.

"A distinctive feature of this collection is that we thought about our ladies, about the summer period of military service. Therefore, summer clothes – dresses and polo shirts – have joined the list of uniforms. Moreover, jackets, for example, have hoods now. We would like our servicemen of various types of troops to feel comfortable at any time of the year, similarly in their daily and parade uniforms,” Ms. Lugina noted.
