Posted: 03.09.2024 12:48:00

Namibia to cull 720+ wild animals in national reserves

A prolonged drought in southern Africa has forced the Namibian authorities to start shooting elephants, zebras and other wild animals in national reserves and distribute the meat to local residents, TASS reports


“83 elephants will be culled and their meat will go to the drought relief fund. This measure is necessary and complies with the constitutional requirement for the executive authorities, according to which Namibia’s natural resources should be used for the benefit of the country’s citizens,” the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism reported.

It is noted that 300 zebras, over 200 antelopes, 60 buffaloes and 30 hippos will also be killed. In total, more than 720 wild animals will soon be culled for meat.

The country’s authorities also state that the need to shoot animals in nature reserves is also caused by a large increase in their number.