Posted: 31.07.2024 17:35:00

Minsk Zoo on its plans for Amur tiger cub brought from Khabarovsk

Today, the Minsk Zoo has hosted an official transfer ceremony of the Amur tiger, who was officially given a new name: Sinbad. The tiger cub was found on the territory of the Khabarovsk Krai. His left paw was broken. After a thorough examination, the doctors made a disappointing diagnosis: osteodystrophy. The disease can be controlled only under the supervision of doctors, so the tiger will remain in captivity. The Minsk Zoo was chosen as a place of life for him, whose management has very big plans for a rare animal.

Director of the Minsk Zoo Aleksandr Safronov shared his plans for further improvement of the rare animal’s life, “Three tiger specimens were kept in the Minsk Zoo until this summer. So, we already have experience of keeping such animals, and perhaps this has become one of the key factors in the transfer of a young tiger cub to us. Of course, this is a very important and significant event for us, because not every zoo can boast of keeping and raising a real Amur tiger born in the wild with genetically pure blood. The tiger cub’s adaptation period went well. Now he is already familiar with the staff serving him. Of course, there is no question of any kind of obedience and execution of commands yet, although we are working on this issue every day. All the necessary conditions for his residence have been created.”

One of the tigers that previously lived in the Minsk Zoo is a female tiger named Yaroslava, also a representative of a rare species of Amur tigers. The zoo’s management does not exclude the possibility that they and the tiger cub may give offspring in the future.

“It’s quite possible,” Aleksandr Safronov continued. “But do not forget that these are living creatures, and we do not know how they will get along with each other. In general, tigers are territorial animals, and they do not live in families. They only meet during the mating season. There are plans to build and equip a new aviary for the close residence of these two individuals.”