Posted: 26.07.2024 13:18:00

Media: US financial sanctions affect third of all countries

American financial sanctions imposed against individuals, companies and property in a certain form affected a third of all countries in the world. The United States has become a country that imposes three times more sanctions than any other state or any international organisation, TASS reports.


The analysis conducted by The Washington Post indicates the results of the study, according to which, more than 60 percent of the world’s low-income countries are now under financial restrictions from the United States. Last year alone, the US President Joe Biden administration imposed sanctions on more than 3,000 people.

According to the newspaper, the sanctions have caused significant damage to the countries affected by them. For example, in the case of Cuba, they have slowed down the delivery of vital medicines to the island, while financial bans are hindering Syria’s recovery after the civil war. Sanctions against Venezuela have caused economic decline in the country.

On June 6th, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter said in an interview that the Biden administration had made the US Dollar the most inconvenient currency in the world. According to him, due to the threat of sanctions ‘on any incomprehensible political issue’, this currency has become unattractive and inconvenient for other states.