Posted: 15.09.2023 16:04:00

Media: number of refugees set record of 3m+ in Germany

An unprecedented number of refugees has been recorded in Germany since the 1950s: about 3.26 million people, which is 111 thousand higher than at the end of 2022, TASS reports with reference to the Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung daily


A Bundestag deputy representing the Left Party, Clara Buenger, sent a request to the German law enforcement agencies, in which she asked to report the number of refugees currently in the country.

The data provided took into account refugees from military conflicts, people seeking asylum, and those who were denied shelter but allowed to stay in the country for a while, since their expulsion is impossible for humanitarian reasons. Most of them have been staying in the country for more than one year.

It is reported that the number of refugees from Ukraine who arrived in Germany in the first half of the year increased slightly – by 29 thousand, and there are a little more than 1m of them in the country. As of June 30th, 279 thousand people were obliged to leave Germany, of which almost 225 thousand had a residence permit.