Posted: 21.02.2024 15:15:00

Markov on meeting with security services: President outlined tasks for all of us

On February 20th, Belarus’ President Aleksandr Lukashenko convened an expanded meeting with the heads of state bodies of the national security system to discuss the development strategy and the real situation around Belarus. The tasks outlined by the Head of State for the security agencies were analysed by the Chairman of the Board of the Second National TV Channel, Marat Markov, in his talk with Alfa Radio.

“The tasks set by the President relate not only to the security bloc, but to all of us. We see all this and we should see it,” explained Marat Markov. “In general, I think, the situation of 2020 should not be repeated, when we used to live in absolutely greenhouse conditions, believing that it would always be like this, that we’ll be developing, that no one will interfere with us, that we have no enemies who could to turn the country around, and that the situation like in Ukraine is impossible for us. The most important thing is that these greenhouse conditions played a very cruel joke on us. We were not ready for the challenges of our time, which were obvious even at that time. Now the situation has worsened, not to mention that this is the second year of the special military operation. We did not think that the conflict at our southern borders would last so long. Moreover, the President yesterday outlined the actions taken by our Western ‘friends’, suggesting that we must stay on high alert. We must be prepared for a situation when – even against our will – we’ll have to use fists instead of smiles.”

According to the expert, all departments, especially law enforcement agencies, must be ready for this.

“The President has told people more than once to do their job properly, generating economic results, while the special services will do theirs. People in uniform are those who are called upon to defend their country first and foremost. But again, yesterday there was a detailed assignment of tasks, and there was an appeal to the State Security Committee (KGB) Chairman and the Defence Minister. The President also described the events happening in Ukraine. There is a saying that ‘generals always fight the last war’. Yesterday’s meeting with the security forces is one of the steps towards ensuring that we prepare for a future war. The accents placed yesterday seem to be small, but they actually play a significant role nowadays. The detailed elaboration of these aspects shows that we have long since moved from talks to the preparation to repel a possible attack. We do not threaten anyone, and this was underlined once again, but we must be ready to defend ourselves. The most important thing is that when you see that good is with fists, you have less desire to hit this good; moreover, you have less desire even to try.