Posted: 24.10.2023 17:45:00

Lukyanov told the President about funds raised by BRSM Youth Union for patriotic centre in Brest Fortress

During a meeting with youth activists, the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, was informed that the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) intends to allocate funds for the construction of the Republican Centre for Patriotic Education of Youth, on the basis of the Kobrin fortification of the Brest Fortress, BelTA reports


The Head of the BRSM Youth Union, Aleksandr Lukyanov, said, “Your order to work on raising funds for the construction of a national patriotic centre in the Brest Fortress is being carried out in full swing.”

“Well done, you’ve got involved, I’m watching this,” noted Aleksandr Lukashenko.

“The public, public organisations, and political parties got involved. This is primarily a matter for young people, but also for our entire society. Maybe we don’t need such luxurious complexes as, e.g., in the Moscow Region,” continued the BRSM Youth Union leader.

As far as the establishment of a patriotic centre is concerned, he explained, “We already have a historical foundation there that the youngsters will feel: about 80 years ago, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended our country from the Nazis.”

“To date, young people have collected over Br160,000, about Br1m has been raised by the public. In total, we have almost Br8m. We are in constant communication with the Defence Ministry, which proposed this idea, and with the Brest Regional Executive Committee where the approval of design and estimate documentation is already at the final stage. During November, we expect to begin the first works,” said Aleksandr Lukyanov.

He also noted, “This year we – members of student labour teams, volunteers and activists – worked hard and accumulated an impressive amount for us: Br0.5m. In accordance with your support and decree, we usually direct these funds to support the student brigade movement, holding forums and festivals. However, now we need to concentrate on significant projects. I have such a Komsomol assignment: to ask for your permission and send this money for the construction of the Republican Centre for Patriotic Education of Youth on the basis of the Kobrin fortification of the Brest Fortress. This will be our significant contribution to ensure that this facility takes place and the first stage of its construction is completed by the Great Victory’s anniversary in 2025.”

In this regard, Aleksandr Lukashenko underlined, “We’ll be grateful if you send your money there. This means that less help will be needed from the budget.”