Posted: 02.07.2024 19:28:00

Lukashenko: West united by thirst for profit and hatred for winners

The West is united by a thirst for profit and a genetic hatred for winners – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s solemn meeting dedicated to Independence Day


The Head of State addressed the audience with a rhetorical question, “What really unites the collective West today? The thirst for profit at someone else’s expense and a genetic hatred for winners. I will not tire of reminding you that the whole of Europe fought against the Soviet Union. A whole legion of citizens of European states, more than a dozen foreign and collaborationist divisions – fanatics who sacrificed their nations – stood under Hitler’s swastika. And behind them stood the elites: politicians and businesses who had bet on the victory of Nazi Germany.”

According to the President, everyone – from Wehrmacht soldiers to manufacturers of chocolate, clothing, weapons and equipment for the needs of the German army – is responsible for the genocide of the Soviet and Belarusian people.

“They turned Belarus into a scorched earth in more than three years of occupation. And today, their descendants are strangling us with sanctions instead of repenting and begging for the sins of their grandfathers. They’re threatening us with weapons,” the Head of State underlined.

Aleksandr Lukashenko spoke about his personal attitude towards the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War, “I’ve seen and experienced a lot in my life, but the map of Belarus with burial sites is shocking and heart-breaking. Behind each sign there are thousands of brutally murdered peaceful old people, women and children. Millions of our old people, our women and our children. Who were they threatening? Eighty years have passed, but we shudder when we hear the words ‘occupation’, ‘genocide’, ‘punitive operations’, ‘death camps’, ‘ghettos’. We look with tears at the faces of the people who survived this horror. The photos and newsreels of those years are our memory and our pain, because every shot contains the story of our families.”

“Does the West need this truth?” the President asked himself a question and answered it, “No. The heirs of those who capitulated are at the helm. These are both ideological and direct heirs. Nothing ended for them in 1945. Moreover, a new ‘crusade’ has begun.”

They think again that it’s possible to grow Nazism somewhere far away from their own home and keep this monster on a short leash. They don’t understand again that this beast is uncontrollable. It’ll lose its temper, but it’ll come to them, to their own homes.