Posted: 02.07.2024 20:10:00

Lukashenko: respect for Belarus’ sovereignty, traditions, historical memory, and people’s choice are conditions for dialogue

Respect for Belarus’ sovereignty, national traditions, historical memory, and people’s choice are essential conditions for a dialogue, including with Western countries – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during today’s solemn meeting dedicated to Independence Day


At the same time, the Head of State emphasised, “Our foreign policy vector is not a turn or a U-turn, as experts and some politicians like to argue. This is a consistent civilisational choice that our ancestors have made and that we are making.”

The President pointed out that Belarus consistently takes an active and constructive position in the integration associations within the post-Soviet space: the EAEU, the CIS, the CSTO. We’re consistently working in these structures and expanding co-operation. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, Belarus’ accession to the SCO is a matter of several days. We’ve completed all domestic procedures. We’ve submitted an official application to join the BRICS format as a participant, and we are developing interaction across various fields with countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”

“I’ve already said that we’re still ready to start a constructive dialogue with our neighbours in the West. The conditions are simple: respect for Belarus’ sovereignty, national traditions, our historical memory and people’s choice. It’s high time to understand that the policy of sanctions enforcement only makes us stronger. Moreover, there’re many countries in the world that are ready not only to work with us, but also to develop partnership, friendly, allied and mutually beneficial relations. They are based on trust in Belarus as a partner, respect for our consistent position, and recognition of the quality of everything we do,” the Head of State stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko called this fact a victory for the entire Belarusian nation.

“I’m grateful to you for your perseverance, solidarity and hard work. I’m grateful to you for the choice you make, working for the benefit of your native country, preserving traditions and protecting our sovereignty. Happy Independence Day! This day unites epochs and people, provides guidance, and helps withstand the onslaught of new geopolitical storms,” the Head of State addressed Belarusians

The President wished his countrymen happiness, prosperity, and strong health, “Peace and harmony to our common home: native Belarus! We have nowhere to go, because this difficult time has chosen us!”