Posted: 09.02.2023 18:00:00

Lukashenko treated scientists to Chinese tea from Xi Jinping

After the ceremony of awarding doctor of science diplomas and professor certificates to scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, President Aleksandr Lukashenko informally talked with scientists over a cup of Chinese tea and small sweet treats, BelTA reports


At some point, the Head of State, as the host, even had to insist a little that the participants of the event taste tea and treats, since the scientists were so enthusiastic about their conversation. "Look, tea has been brought to you. It is not for me, so drink it – or it will go cold. It is Chinese [tea]. Xi Jinping [President of China] constantly sends me tea, and I am treating you to it. I will not be able to drink it all myself," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

"Here are candy and some cookies. I do not much advise them, but all of you are thin – so you can [eat them],” the President added. Actually, he is always promoting a healthy lifestyle, including by personal example.

Earlier, those working with the President drew attention to what drinks Aleksandr Lukashenko prefers during official events, mentioning Chinese tea – among others. In particular, after the CIS and EAEU summits held in the format of a videoconference in October 2021, the Pul Pervogo Telegram channel posted, “At first, there was a traditional cup of tea on the table. That was Chinese tea. On Thursday, after tea, a waiter served strong coffee. The President added a cube of brown sugar and drank coffee in four sips (we calculated). Then a glass of water mandatory followed. After that, there was another cup: it was hot tea again. On Friday, two cups of Chinese tea and a glass of water were drunk during two hours of negotiations.”