Posted: 19.07.2024 15:00:00

Lukashenko: lessons must be learnt from natural disaster that struck Belarus

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko demands to learn the right lessons from the natural disaster that swept through the country


Listening to the report of Emergencies Minister Vadim Sinyavsky, the Head of State noted, “There’s no need to sprinkle ashes upon the head. It is necessary to draw conclusions from this. If Karankevich [Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich] didn’t have enough electric poles or wires, so we need to make this stock. If you haven’t deployed properly, take this into account. This should be a major lesson for us, as was the situation in 2020. We have drawn conclusions, and people in the country are completely different now. It is necessary to draw conclusions from this situation. Yes, there has not been such a thing in our memory for half a century, but this is a terrible phenomenon. God hit us on the top of the head, but he also took pity on us.”

[to be updated]