Posted: 19.07.2024 17:00:00

Lukashenko demands to completely eliminate all negative consequences of national disaster within a month

During a conference call, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko demanded to eliminate all the negative consequences of the natural disaster that swept through the country within a month, drawing attention to the fact that the primary tasks in this regard have been largely fulfilled

“I see that everything is going on as usual. I want to reassure people once again and promise that within a couple of days we will eliminate bottlenecks after this hurricane. And we will work for another month to upgrade somewhere and to strengthen the work on energy supply. We see these problems, we have learnt the lessons, and we will finish all the works within a month,” the Head of State noted.

“Urgent [works] have already been carried out. It is now necessary to take diesel generators away from villages. In order to do this, it is necessary to bring electricity to each house under normal conditions. We’ll do this this week. As agreed, urgent works have been done before July 16th,” the President clarified.

At the same time, the Head of State mentioned fakes in the Internet space, including from the fugitives, saying that the President promised to eliminate all consequences by July 16th, and now it’s July 19th, and he postponed the assignment.

“They probably don’t hear well. There was an instruction to ensure the movement of automobile, railway transport and so on by July 16th. We had such congestion that even trains were running late up to seven hours. We did this job very quickly, even earlier than I instructed. Until today, July 19th, as I’m informed, all settlements have electricity, but we have over a hundred villages where diesel generators are used. It’s necessary to remove them, connect all these villages and settle problems with households, where, roughly speaking, the wire goes from the pole to the house, or it is torn or something else. We need to solve these problems as well. It would seem a trifle, but they need to be tackled.”

“We’ll solve all these issues to overcome the disaster in connection with this hurricane and draw appropriate conclusions in all directions. This work must be conducted, and we also expect relevant information for decision-making from you [the vertical of power],” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.

“Remember one thing: it won’t be easy this year. Not because we are starting something here in the pre-election year, although this is also important. As I have always said, we are passing an exam to the Belarusian people, not to Americans, Poles, or Europeans. We don’t care about their opinion, although we’re ready to take their opinion into account. We are working for our people, and we are passing this exam today. Whoever the president is later, the people should see that the system of power created by us is working effectively,” the President underlined, addressing all the participants of the meeting.

“Generally speaking, I cannot make claims that some avoid working, or do it bad. This apparatus is working, but failures can occur. There are certain drawbacks and shortcomings. Well, we were not ready for such unexpectedly tough work, as happened with this hurricane. I always ask you to compare it with military operations, but, thank God, without shooting. This is a good training session for us, so we will draw all the appropriate conclusions,” the Head of State summed up.
