Posted: 05.10.2024 11:00:00

Lukashenko taking part in Dazhynki-2024 festival-fair in Mikashevichi

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko is taking part in the Dyzhynki-2024 festival-fair in Mikashevichi, Brest Region, today, BelTA reports


The Head of State will present state awards to the most distinguished employees of agricultural enterprises.

As BelTA reported, Aleksandr Lukashenko visited one of the most advanced farms in the Brest Region – Parokhonskoye JSC in the Pinsk District – on October 4th. During a conversation with residents of the agro-town of Parokhonsk, he shared his plans to visit all regions of the country to thank villagers, “This is because you did well. I was not mistaken when I said that there could be no country without villages and their residents. You demonstrate every year that you are real, strong people. You have not failed my confidence.”

In Mikashevichi, guests to the Dazhynki festival will enjoy a rich concert programme, a fair, and various master classes from folk craftsmen. Playgrounds and attractions are organised as well. A festive firework is scheduled for the late evening.

In 2024, the region harvested more than 1 million 560 thousand tonnes of grain, including rapeseed: an average of 38 tonnes were harvested from each hectare of grain and leguminous crops (without corn, buckwheat and millet).

Over 30 years, agricultural production in the Brest Region has more than doubled, and the share in nationwide volumes increased by 22.5 percent. Grain production has grown 1.8 times, sugar beet — 2.9. Modern crop cultivation technologies have made it possible to significantly increase the yield.