Lukashenko said in what case Europe can become independent from US
Europe needs real leaders who will make decisions and act independently – as noted by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko during his today’s conversation with journalists at the Traktor Stadium in Minsk
Aleksandr Lukashenko answered the question whether Europe can act independently, without looking at Americans, and not quarrel with Russia, but be friends with it, “Europe can, when such leader as Trump appear there. As it is, there is no one there. Americans have started to wipe their feet on Scholz. Whom Germans deserved, whom they elected — now let them work with him. They are all seeking publicity, but they can’t make a decision and act. Leaders like de Gaulle will appear, they will definitely appear.”
Aleksandr Lukashenko also recalled some other former EU leaders: Helmut Kohl, Jacques Chirac, “There are no such people now, everyone is trembling. What’s there to tremble about? Cheap resources in Russia, technologies in Germany. Now the automobile industry and aviation are falling apart. That’s what Europe has been brought to. Europe needs real leaders who will make decisions and act. And Russia is ready for that.”