Posted: 10.10.2022 12:17:00

Lukashenko’s meeting with military and security forces focused on situation around Belarus, strengthening security and countering threats

The situation around Belarus, strengthening security, threats from the country’s neighbours and points of tension in society were high on the agenda at today’s meeting of the President with military and security forces. According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, the event at the Palace of Independence was prescheduled, and it aimed to determine what else should be done to strengthen security, taking into account the rapidly changing situation.


“The situation around Belarus (we have already voiced this) remains tense, especially since the opinion is being planted in the West that the Belarusian army will directly enter into the special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. Having succumbed to this misinformation, the military and political leadership of the North Atlantic Alliance and a number of European countries are already openly considering options for possible aggression against our country, up to a nuclear strike,” the President stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko added that this is no longer news, and he had warned about it long time ago, “Their goal today is not that we do not fight on the side of Russia directly in Ukraine – so that, God forbid, a nuclear strike is not inflicted, and so on. This is not the key. The main goal remains unchanged for a long time: to draw us into the war, and to deal with Russia and Belarus at the same time.”

Touching upon the situation around the country, Aleksandr Lukashenko mentioned Belarus’ neighbours in the west, “Poland is trembling, asking Americans to immediately bring nuclear weapons and place them in Poland, including from nuclear arsenals in Germany.”

The Head of State recalled that Poles had taken their armed forces to the border of Belarus, but later partially withdrew them. “They showed us that they were leaving, but that is not the case. They have withdrawn the troops to about a hundred kilometres from the border, and they are now equipping them with NATO-style weapons. They have sent Soviet and Polish ones – which they had – to Ukraine and disposed of them, but now are using the most modern weapons for reequipping. Does it take long to come back to the border of Belarus? It will take just half the night. We see it, so it should not calm us down. If necessary (zero hour, as the military say), they will redeploy their troops within two to three hours again to the border, to the positions where they should be,” he said.