Posted: 16.07.2024 11:48:00

Lukashenko: people in uniform are guarantors of Belarus’ sovereignty and territorial integrity

People in uniform are viewed by millions of Belarusians as the main guarantor of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the republic – as stated by President Aleksandr Lukashenko at today’s ceremony honouring graduates of higher military educational institutions

Addressing the guests invited to the Palace of Independence, the Head of State noted, “Today is a special and solemn day in the life of our country: we are honouring graduates of higher military institutions, as well as officers who have been awarded general ranks. It is a great honour for all of you to reach these heights in your profession and career in the year of the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from Nazi invaders. To live up to it means to carry the banner of Victory of our fathers and grandfathers through your whole life, to pass it on to your children and grandchildren.”

The President stressed, “You are officers. Millions of your compatriots view people in uniform as the main guarantor of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that the military knows better than anyone else what efforts, even if they are invisible to others, are required to enjoy a happy opportunity to look beyond the horizon and build the future. At the same time, the Head of State mentioned the difficult situation developing beyond the country’s borders, “I will not speak about everything that is happening today on the southern and western borders of our country, as you know this not worse than me. Actually, we have found ourselves in the same situation as our forefathers eight decades ago. We also need to stand our ground and prevent the enemies from dragging Belarus into a military conflict. We are doing everything necessary for this, including by deploying the most terrible nuclear weapons.”

The President noted the futility of reproaches against Belarus in escalation, “In fact, we are ensuring our military security and strengthening the country's defence capability. We will not allow a repeat of the tragedy of 1941.”

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, Belarus will continue to develop, strengthen and improve its Armed Forces. “Belarusians do not want war, but the response to any provocation against us must be decisive and tough. This is our principled position. We have people and opportunities to respond to any aggressor.”
