Posted: 23.05.2023 14:13:00

Lukashenko on results of healthcare system monitoring: there are still egregious examples of mess

An independent interdepartmental group, tasked to check the effectiveness of the functioning of the healthcare system in terms of providing medical care to the population, has detected a number of shortcomings – as stated by the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, at today’s meeting on topical healthcare issues


In particular, the Head of State stressed that he had been receiving an increasing number of signals about the decline in the quality of medical care and the lack of proper order in healthcare institutions.

The President drew attention to the lack of meetings and conferences on medical topics, “You have always told me about infant and maternal mortality, about transplant operations you are performing, and other feats. This is not a matter of our talk today – so forget about it. We all know this well.”

As noted by the Head of State, very positive facts of the work of a certain sphere – including healthcare – are available in any country. Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out a fundamental issue, “We will talk today of how we treat our citizens, how we treat our ordinary people, without whom we would not be present in this hall now. In short, [we will focus] on how we treat people in rural areas, in small cities and agro-towns – not at republican scientific-practical centres. The latter are also important. They are in the lead, and they should set an example and teach those who directly deal [medical treatment]. That is why I'm interested in how we work there. How does the healthcare system function, why do people feel aggrieved?”

The President noted that such tasks were set for a group of specialists who studied the state of affairs in healthcare. “I think you understand what I am talking about. It will be very inconvenient for me to interrupt and stop some doctors of sciences and great academicians today if they start talking on a wrong topic. We have no time for that. If we come to the conclusion that we are not doing very well, then not only Pinevich [Healthcare Minister] is to blame. We will also address Karanik [Chairman of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, former Healthcare Minister] who recommended him, as well as those working as part of the group at the Healthcare Ministry.”

Speaking of the independent working group, Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that it unites not only officials, but also medical specialists, “[They are] your colleagues, and they have visited all Belarusian corners. Unfortunately, many facts – if not all – have been confirmed. Detailed reports of the expert group and regulatory authorities have been given to me. No need to think that I made instructions for this group – and that’s all. We have serious laws that must be followed. The Prosecutor's Office monitors uniform and accurate compliance with these laws. We have a powerful controlling body: the State Control Committee. Actually, they did not follow the tracks, but looked at the situation in healthcare in parallel – to later make a report.”

The President noted that, in response to that, the Government sent him a reply signed by the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister. “We will deal with this separately. They have probably forgotten where they work. This is becoming typical for the Government in almost all areas. I do not need pro forma letters, and this applies to the Government, governors and central authorities. I have studied these materials more than once. Do you know what surprised me the most? There are still egregious problems of mess in hospitals, polyclinics, village first-aid stations: i.e. walls and ceilings are being destroyed, doors are askew, elementary sanitary rules are not being observed,” he stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko indignantly noted that this happens even in paediatric departments, “Listen, children are treated there!.. Or are they not your children? Of course, these are not your children – but they are mine! Expensive modern equipment is idle somewhere. Meanwhile, it may be the only chance sometimes to save a human life! At the same time, the Healthcare Minister dares to actively report that everything is fine, that everything has been repaired, that he has enough spare parts. In turn, some start referring to sanctions. There are no sanctions for you, dear! What are governors, heads of healthcare departments and hygiene centres, chairmen of district executive committees thinking? Are the Government and the Healthcare Ministry aware of all these problems or not? Meanwhile, they must know and control. The Minister and his team should deal with the issues – studied by that commission – on a daily basis. All specialists are concentrated at the Healthcare Ministry, and these people should create groups and commissions – looking at what is happening locally. It happens as always: stillness is in places which the President has not visited yet.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that he is fully aware of who he is talking to, “These are doctors. Can we criticise them? No. Well, remember: I will stop at nothing, the order will be restored here – even if half of you will leave. I will know then who I work with. Some have become insolent to an extreme degree – running around the district bosses and up to the level of the President. We can treat only them well. What about ordinary people [who pay taxes for this to function]? Get down on the ground! Everything in the country depends on us, on all those sitting in this hall now.”

The Belarusian leader asked a reasonable question, “How are you planning to retain specialists, if no normal conditions are created for patients and doctors in the facilities they work at? Personnel problems emerge as a result. It seems we are training enough doctors and nurses, but even state-contract alumni do not stay in rural areas – looking for jobs in the capital or, even worse, abroad. Study the problem of graduates who are contracted to work. Figure out whom you are employing. There should be no excuses: after graduation, former students need to work for the state for five years. We spend huge funds on training doctors, there are no such costs in any other area. Meanwhile, excessive freedom is observed here.”

In January 2023, an interdepartmental working group was established to check the healthcare system – following the President’s instruction. It was tasked to study the effectiveness of the functioning of the healthcare system in terms of providing medical care to the population. The group included doctors with the necessary qualifications and sufficient practical experience. If necessary, heads and specialists of republican state administration bodies, regional executive committees, Minsk City Executive Committee, other state bodies and organisations, as well as other persons with appropriate qualifications and practical experience could be involved in the work of the group.