Posted: 23.05.2023 11:18:00

Lukashenko holding meeting on topical healthcare issues

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, is holding a meeting on topical healthcare issues today, BelTA reports

The event participants include the leadership of the Healthcare Ministry, governors and heads of regional healthcare departments, rectors of medical universities, chief doctors, directors of some republican scientific and practical centres.

The Head of State announced plans to hold a meeting on healthcare issues on March 31st during his Address to the Belarusian People and the National Assembly. The President promised to investigate how the branch operates and to restore order there. Aleksandr Lukashenko paid special attention to the state of affairs in local healthcare institutions, “We primarily need to look at their work. Most of our people are there, and we must treat them – if we want equality, justice and be considered a social state."

The Belarusian leader stressed that domestic medicine can do a lot. "I am not even talking about organ transplantation or prosthetics. Our DNA vaccine for the treatment of brain tumours and lymphoma in children deserves respect,” he noted. "Together with Russians, we have developed and successfully apply spinal systems for the surgical treatment of severe deformities and spinal injuries." The President has set a task to ensure that these and other developments are implemented and used as widely as possible – ‘in big cities and in regional centres’. “Moreover, all healthcare facilities in the country should be a model of comfort and sterility. Governors and minister are obliged to keep this issue under the strictest control,” he stressed.

For a long time, the work of medical institutions throughout the country has been examined by an interdepartmental working group created following the President’s instruction. Its members – doctors with the necessary qualifications and sufficient practical experience – focused on the effectiveness of the functioning of the healthcare system in terms of providing medical care to the population. If necessary, heads and specialists of the republican state administration bodies, regional executive committees, the Minsk City Executive Committee, other state bodies and organisations, as well as other persons with appropriate qualifications and practical experience were involved in the group’s work.

Aleksandr Lukashenko announced the creation of a corresponding working group on December 5th, 2022, while being reported by the Healthcare Ministry’s leadership. The Head of State emphasised the need to provide high-quality and affordable treatment to all citizens of the country, “In the near future, I will create a mobile group of specialists, completely independent of you. They will check the healthcare system and selectively unexpectedly check hospitals."