Posted: 28.04.2023 12:50:00

Lukashenko: development of district, economy or enterprise depends on efficiency of its head

During a conversation with representatives of the Gomel Region in Vetka, the President of Belarus noted that at meetings dedicated to economy issues, the task of reducing the dependence of the regions’ indicators on the work of industrial giants of republican significance is constantly set


“For example, Mozyr Oil Refinery, the Belarusian Steel Works (BMZ) in Zhlobin, Svetlogorsk Pulp and Cardboard Mill, Dobrush Paper Mill,” said the Belarusian leader.

The Head of State immediately asked how his instruction regarding ‘one district – one new project’ is being carried out, where the initiative of the local vertical should be visible. “Aren’t you changing the concepts? Are these really fundamentally new industries with created jobs, or is it just a simple separation of one of the usual areas of work at old enterprises? According to the reports these are dairy milking blocks and pellet production. This is necessary, but we are talking primarily about innovative high-tech productions, preferably with the use of local raw materials,” stressed Aleksandr Lukashenko.

The Head of State summed up, “No one will convince me: the development of a district, economy or enterprise depends on the efficiency of its head and decisions made on the spot. Then it is immediately clear where the sensible leaders are. There are no problems there and everything works like clockwork. This is especially important in the current conditions.”