Posted: 30.09.2024 17:25:00

Turkish Ambassador: economies of Belarus and Turkiye complement each other

The economies of Belarus and Turkiye are not competitive, they complement each other, with bilateral co-operation able to reach a new level – as noted by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkiye to Belarus Güçlü Cem Işık in his talk with the STV TV channel


The Ambassador stressed that Belarus and Turkiye are friendly countries, “Our presidents also have excellent friendly relations. We have to work hard and take steps to further improve our relations across all areas. Turkiye is interested in Belarusian goods because the economies of our countries are not competitive, they complement each other. As you know, during their latest personal meeting, the presidents of our countries set a goal for us to reach the $1.5bn mark in bilateral trade. We’ve managed not only to reach, but also to surpass this bar. Last year, the bilateral trade turnover stood at $2bn. And now, without making exceptions for goods produced in Belarus, we are considering the entire range, the entire palette and are working to ensure that the trade turnover not only stays at the same level, but also grows”.

Güçlü Cem Işık added that new joint investment projects with Turkiye may also appear in Belarus.

“Representatives of Turkish companies intend to expand their presence and investments here. Those who come here for the first time are also exploring the wide investment opportunities provided by Belarus. As an embassy, we are actively working to overcome all kinds of obstacles to investment,” he said.

Touching upon the topic of tourism, the diplomat said that since his arrival in Belarus he had discovered the beauty of our country, which he now tells his compatriots about at any convenient opportunity.

“We are keen to ensure that both trade and tourism develop in a balanced manner,” the Ambassador added.