Posted: 17.07.2024 09:25:00

Lukashenko congratulated residents of Shklov District on 100th anniversary of its formation

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has congratulated the residents of the Shklov District on the 100th anniversary of its establishment, reports with reference to the Belarusian leader’s press service

As noted by the Head of State, this date is a good ground to look back and remember all the best that memory has captured and to think about the prospects for development. The district is changing, its economic and socio-cultural development continues, but one point remains unchanged: the attitude of people towards their small homeland.

"The Shklov District is not just a place of residence for each of you: it is a common home that unites people of different destinies, characters, and generations into a single whole," the congratulatory message reads.

It is symbolic that the anniversary of the district is celebrated in the year of the 80th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from Nazi invaders. "We bow down to our compatriots who fought worthily at the front, defending the freedom and independence of Belarus," Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. "We are also proud of the labour exploits of those whose contribution is significant not only in the annals of the Shklov District, but also in the history of the region and the whole country." It is now the largest district of the Mogilev Region with highly developed industrial and agricultural production, where caring people – patriots of their native country – work. The Head of State expressed confidence that this would continue forever.

The President wished his countrymen good health, happiness, peace and new labour achievements for the prosperity of beloved Belarus.