Posted: 17.07.2024 10:38:00

PM: we’re ready to jointly defend national sovereignty and right to determine development of Belarus and Cuba

We’re ready to jointly defend national sovereignty and the right to determine the development of Belarus and Cuba – as stated by Belarus’ Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko during a meeting with Vice-President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of the Republic of Cuba Ana María Mari Machado

“Belarus will never change its position regarding the unacceptability of the trade, economic and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba,” Mr. Golovchenko stressed.

President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba Juan Esteban Lazo Hernandez came to greet the Prime Minister of Belarus, “We’re currently discussing with all deputies the draft law on state-owned enterprises. This law has been under consideration by parliament for almost a year. We’re very glad to see you here. I took a minute off from the assembly meeting with our Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz to greet you. He is preparing for your meeting.”

In turn, Mr. Golovchenko shared his opinion on the draft law, which is currently being considered by Cuban deputies, “You are currently discussing a very important topic. If you want my advice, you can and should give state-owned enterprises more freedom of action. We have come this way. It is necessary – without losing state control – to untie the hands of the leadership, enabling it to learn and make independent decisions. The main result is the money that the company has brought to the treasury. This is just my opinion, and your deputies will decide.”