Posted: 16.07.2024 15:42:00

Lukashenko: Belarus will do everything to settle relations with its neighbours diplomatically

Belarus will do everything to settle relations with its neighbours in a diplomatic way – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko at today’s ceremony honouring graduates of higher military educational institutions

However, this does not mean that our country will stop strengthening its defence capability. The Head of State accentuated three components of successful modern warfare, based on the experience of the conflict in Ukraine: UAVs, counter-battery and electronic warfare.

“This is our topic. We don’t have to travel far to study. We see how they are fighting on this front. We have mastered something, and we need to improve it. Without this, there is no modern war,” the President underlined.

“We stand for our Motherland. But first of all, we must understand that our families, children, the elderly and women, and our people stand behind us. They believe in us. Their faith is our strength. And they react very painfully to all kinds of tensions, especially on our border,” the Head of State emphasised.

Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled the recent complication of the situation in the southern direction, when military formations began to gather from Ukraine to the border. Moreover, they were removed even from the front, i.e., the most trained units and detachments.

“We did not hide this information from people, but provided it in a calm and straight manner, but people became alerted. Remember, people are always more sensitive, and they see a little more than we do. We had to promise people and react. Everyone who took part in this response deserves the highest praise. I’m grateful to you for that,” the President noted.

At the same time, the Head of State pointed out that opening fire is an extreme measure, “This is the method that we must know how to use, but this is an extreme measure. We must always learn to negotiate, including the military.”

At the same time, Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out that the main role in relieving tensions this time was played by the military, “We did not involve diplomats though we worked in a diplomatic way. We’ve achieved success. They [the Ukrainian side] don’t need this war on the 1,500km of our border. We don’t need it either. They withdrew the armed forces, and we withdrew our troops.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out what people in uniform should remember and know, “We don’t want to fight. We’ll fight only when a stranger’s boot sets foot on our land. We’ll do everything in a diplomatic way to settle our relations primarily with our neighbours.”

According to the President, Belarus offers to regulate our relations with Poland and Lithuania in the same way.

“But we do not see reciprocity so far. Therefore, we have to keep our ears open and keep our powder dry in the north-west and west directions,” the Head of State summed up.
