Posted: 07.02.2022 16:22:00

Lukashenko: Babariko and his son decided to serve time in jail

Viktor Babariko and his son decided to serve time in jail rather than to return what they had stolen – as stated by President Aleksandr Lukashenko in his interview with VGTRK journalist, radio and TV host Vladimir Soloviev, BelTA reports


The Head of State recalled his words during a meeting at the pre-trial detention centre where Viktor Babariko was also present, "Viktor, return everything you have stolen. And we shall then talk with you. Well, you have property in Turkey. I will not take it away. I understand this, and I will not take it away. However, you must return this and that.”

"He discussed with the son whether they would return it. They decided not to do this and rather to serve time in jail: NATO or Tikhanovskaya will come and release them from prison. Tikhanovsky told me, “Mr. President, when will we get out of jail?” I answered, “What did you say? President? Your ‘president’ is in Lithuania. Ask her when you will get out." I told Babariko honestly (about the must to return what have been stolen – BelTA’s remark), that was a signal for everyone. However, they do not want to return it,” the Belarusian leader noted. “Return what has been taken away via Lithuania, Lithuanian and Latvian banks – and we will then discuss the problem of whether you will be locked up or go somewhere. They do not want.”

The Head of State also spoke about Maria Kolesnikova in response to Mr. Soloviev’s remark that the opposition and the West have forgotten about her and are now mainly promoting Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. "I do not think that the West will forget, that the special services will forget their agents or residentura. It is just as you have said recently: time is needed," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.