Kyrgyzstan to hold Days of Culture in Belarus
The Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted a meeting between the Interim Attorney of the Republic of Belarus, Natalia Kislekova, and Deputy Minister Chyngyz Esengul, reports with reference to the Belarusian Embassy in Kyrgyzstan
It is noted that the most pressing issues of bilateral co-operation were discussed. The attention of the parties was focused on the prospects of participation of representatives of Kyrgyzstan in the 33rd International Slavianski Bazaar Festival of Arts in Vitebsk in 2024.
In addition, preparations for Days of Culture of Kyrgyzstan in Belarus, also scheduled for 2024, were considered. The parties agreed on mutually acceptable dates and format of the event, and also confirmed their desire for further co-operation in all areas of mutual interest.