Posted: 07.11.2023 14:15:00

Italian communist: Belarus preserved eternal and sacred flame, lit on November 7th, 1917

What remains of the October Revolution? Our beloved Belarus! This was stated by Igor Camilli, the national secretary of the Socialist Motherland (Patria Socialista) social movement of Italian citizens, during a festive rally on Minsk’s Nezavisimosti Square as part of the celebration of the 106th anniversary of the October Revolution

The Italian guest noted that it was a great honour for him to be a guest of the Communist Party of Belarus and the country as a whole, “We are proud to be present on this wonderful square, filled with our comrades, filled with people. We’re proud to be here, at the monument to Lenin – the father of the Bolshevik revolution – and in front of your Parliament – the symbol of people’s power.”

Igor Camilli is convinced that 106 years ago there was more than just a single historical event, “The driving force of the October Revolution will affect all the nations of the earth and give hope to the working classes of the entire planet, spreading revolutionary thoughts and actions, even to the development of a new world system. I’m often asked what remains of that revolution, and I answer: all the good things that you see! But even where you don’t see it, there remains that rebellious spirit of justice that saw the triumph of our fathers in the struggle for the rights of workers. And it is able to continue to fight today for those rights that the capitalist West tramples on every day.”

The Italian communist underlined, “What, in the end, remains of the October Revolution? Our beloved Belarus! Your souls, the beating heart of the glorious Communist Party of Belarus are the guardians of the truth that passes through modernity and is capable of making victorious the class and popular justice that you carry forward. You are the custodians of that eternal and sacred flame that was lit on November 7th, 1917. Your party, Parliament, President Lukashenko make you the army of people that continues to resist and fight in the name of our idea, in the name of socialism, which should be the main protagonist of world transformation. Imperialism knows this well, which is why it primarily urges us towards an ideological war between their vision of a slave world and our vision of a free world.”