Posted: 22.10.2024 10:37:00

Georgia claimed West suggested it to start war against Russia

A high-ranking foreign official suggested former Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili to start a war with Russia, which would last three or four days before the country would launch guerrilla warfare – as noted by Bidzina Ivanishvili, the founder and honorary chair of the ruling Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia party, in an interview with the Imedi TV channel, TASS reports


“I can remember what former PM Irakli Garibashvili told me about his conversation with a high-ranking official of one of the countries [of the West]. Irakli asked: ‘But how do you imagine, how many days can we fight [with Russia]? How many days can we endure?’ The reply was: ‘Three or four days.’ He said: ‘You are destroying us for the sake of these three or four days?’ He was told: ‘There are three or four million of you [Georgians]. They [Russians] can’t kill all of you in three or four days, you can go then to the forest to start guerrilla warfare, we will help you and you will fight from there,” Ivanishvili gave the details.