Posted: 05.09.2024 17:44:00

First cafe in East Africa with robot waiters opened in Nairobi

Visitors are served by robot waiters in a new cafe in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, TASS reports


John Kariuki Mwangi, the cafe’s manager, explained, “There are already a lot of different restaurants in Nairobi, so the founder of our cafe, Mohammed Abbas who has travelled the world a lot, settled on the concept of robots as waiters.”

According to the manager, the first café with robots in Africa opened in Nigeria, and the next one is planned for South Sudan, which restaurateurs have bought a franchise. Several more cafes will open in Nairobi.

“Our cafe is already popular, especially among families with children. Its concept is halal-based, and we offer no alcohol. We welcome representatives of all religions," John Kariuki Mwangi noted, adding that four robot waiters work at the cafe, one of them is named Nadia.

People also work as waiters, since a robot cannot be entrusted with all the functions of this profession. People take orders, and robots deliver them later to guests of the café.

“Robots will never replace real waiters, because they will not be able to greet guests like real people or ask about their preferences,” the manager noted.

As reported, the price of a robot (they all were purchased in Thailand) is equal to the salary of two waiters per year.