Posted: 16.06.2023 14:35:00

Opinion: US will switch its attention from Russia to China

As long as the Ukrainian conflict continues, the attention of the United States of America will be focused on the confrontation with the Russian Federation, and not with the People’s Republic of China – as stated by political scientist, Americanist Malek Dudakov in his talk with the Soloviev Live TV channel


According to the expert, someday the United States will refocus its attention on the confrontation with China.

“No one can compare with Russia now. For example, China is the main rival of the US for the Republicans, not the Russian Federation. But in general, it is Russia, and not China, that is currently on the agenda. As long as the Ukrainian crisis continues, nothing will change here. Anyway, someday America will refocus its attention on confrontation with China. But it will take a long time before that. It may take a change of administration in Washington to make that happen. We also need the coming to power of Republicans who are anti-Chinese,” said Malek Dudakov.

Moreover, the political scientist said that in general the attitude towards Russia and China in the United States is sharply negative.

“It’s probably more difficult for the Chinese, because they still experience some everyday racism against them, which results in sharply limiting the number of student exchange programmes and joint research programmes between American and Chinese universities. As far as the Russians are concerned, a certain wave of Russophobia subsided. But a sharply negative attitude towards Russia as a state is preserved,” Malek Dudakov concluded.