Posted: 10.09.2024 17:28:00

Expert on Freedom Congress: Europeans arrived in Belarus even amid threats from their authorities

The International Freedom Congress has taken place in Minsk, initiated by the Liberal Democratic Party and bringing together politicians, experts and analysts from fifty countries of Europe, Russia and the world. Leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party of Belarus, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Commission on International Affairs of the House of Representatives Oleg Gaidukevich shared the details in his talk with the Minsk-Moscow Union State live streaming.

“I think that today all those in Poland and the Baltic States who told us that we were isolated are gnashing their teeth,” the expert stressed. “Their policy towards China, Russia, the Middle East, and Asia has failed. Meanwhile, today the same can be said about Europe. They failed to completely break the connection between Belarus and Europe, because Europe is very different. And Europe is already sick of war and sanctions. Europeans just don’t have free elections: those forces that advocate something else are not allowed to win there.”

According to Oleg Gaidukevich, politicians, public figures and deputies from Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Serbia, Slovakia, and Poland arrived in Minsk to take part in the Freedom Congress [the official name is the Congress of Patriotic Forces].

“The major message of this forum is to show Belarus,” the deputy added. “Imagine, under the conditions of sanctions and pressure, many guests were not allowed to visit us. They are told that if they go to Belarus, they would get into prison and have problems. Meanwhile, even in these conditions, people come to us because they respect our President, they really like his position on geopolitical issues and desire for peace. They want the world to be fair, they enjoy our country and don’t want any sanctions. The Europeans want to trade with us. We, in turn, do not want pro-Belarusian or pro-Russian authorities to be in Germany or Poland. Today we openly tell them: friends, become independent, become sovereign, and learn to defend your national interests, like Belarus and Russia do. Then there will be no war, there will be peace.”