Posted: 13.11.2024 16:04:00

Expert: main threat to people of Poland comes from their country’s elites

The Polish elites are ready to become a tool in hands of others for the sake of some imaginary revenge, but it is a very dangerous path, primarily for Poland – as stated by political expert Aleksei Dzermant in his talk with the ONT TV channel


“Unfortunately, the main threat to Poland and the Polish people comes from the so-called Polish elites,” the expert noted. “They are not sovereign, they are not independent, they cannot accept responsibility, and they do not fully understand what will happen as a result of certain actions when they try to play an active offensive role. This is a tragedy.”

Mr. Dzermant added that Belarus has done everything to ensure that relations with the Polish people ‘reach the level of a common home, a common mindset about security’. “We have always suggested that the Polish state think in this way. However, we see instead the grievances that have not been experienced, an attempt to take revenge with a simultaneous use of the vilest methods, and – which is the main point – to become a tool in hands of others for the sake of some imaginary revenge. It is a very dangerous path, primarily for the Polish state itself. They have seen more than once what happened when the elites brought the state to a standstill in that way. They need to think about this first of all," the expert noted.