Posted: 20.07.2023 11:45:00

Expert announced obvious intentions of Poland in relation to western part of Ukraine

In his talk with the ONT TV channel, Russian political scientist, Americanist Malek Dudakov said that Poland has clear eyes on the western part of Ukraine


Malek Dudakov said, “Of course, there are obvious plans for Western Ukraine. Not only in terms of annexing it directly tomorrow to Poland, but, firstly, constantly pumping up the degree of anti-Russian hysteria in society, including using it as something that they promise their voters if they win the elections.”

According to him, parliamentary elections will be held in autumn 2023 in Poland while the ruling Law and Justice party has rather low ratings. Therefore, he said, they are trying to focus, on the one hand, on a militaristic agenda, but on the other hand, on those phantom imperial pains that some part of the Polish population has.

“The fact remains that no one has given the ‘take it’ command to join Western Ukraine at the moment. So far, this is all at the level of rhetoric, threats to send troops and at the level of the creeping Polonisation of the western part of Ukraine. All legislative initiatives have already been adopted in Ukraine. The point is that the Americans are currently not ready for such a division while Poland is not so subjective as to go to such an aggravation on its own.”