Posted: 28.07.2022 14:33:00

Confrontation in cyberspace should be conducted jointly by CSTO countries, expert explains

A unipolar system of the world order is becoming a thing of the past, but the West – led by the United States – continues to struggle to maintain its superiority. Diverse methods are used: confrontation of NATO at the western borders of the Union State and unleashing of a full-scale offensive hybrid war against Russia and Belarus. Actually, this psychological pressure is an element of a hybrid attack. We are facing information and sanctions wars, as well as subversive actions in cyberspace. Military analyst Igor Chibisov explained how to respond to all these.

Photo: www.PIXABAY.COM

According to the expert, military and political heads of the leading powers of the world view confrontation in cyberspace as promotion of their national interests in the international arena and as beneficial settlement of crisis situations. “Jointly with Russia and the CSTO countries, Belarus should develop national and interstate governing bodies, forces and means of conducting cyber warfare, and also to implement new approaches to the system of confrontation in cyberspace at all levels.”

“Confrontation in cyberspace should be conducted as part of co-operation – at the strategic, operational and tactical levels. I agree with the opinion of some experts that the First World Information War is now underway, and we will not be able to survive in it if we fail to learn how to win. We need to be ‘aggressively effective’ in the world of information. We should activate the Belarusian, Slavic system of priorities in people's minds, create a vivid image of the national idea, and adapt our traditions to new means of communication – that is, to develop and strengthen our own ideology and culture, while repeatedly strengthening it with modern high technologies. Belarus’ Concept of Information Security should also be always taken into consideration,” Mr. Chibisov added.