Posted: 12.10.2022 12:26:00

Chinese admire Lukashenko and Putin’s clever move against West

Chinese readers of the Guancha portal believe that President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko and President of Russia Vladimir Putin responded properly to the West by deploying a joint regional group of forces


One of the readers believes that the unification of the armies of Belarus and Russia can become a great force that will lead to the collapse of the North Atlantic Alliance.

Another commentator supported and replied that now let the West try to oppose the two states if it dares.

“It’s a smart move proving that the US is just a paper tiger,” wrote a third user.

The fourth user emphasises that this was an excellent decision; moreover, now everyone understands that NATO is involved in the hostilities in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the fifth reader focuses on the smart decision of the Government of Belarus. “Belarus is a smart country that improves strategic relations with Russia and China, while Ukraine, on the contrary, wants to kill people,” he sums up.