Posted: 22.10.2024 16:07:00

Bogodel assessed Belarus’ BRICS prospects and Western attempts to stunt the club’s development

The West will do everything to impede BRICS development, seeing that more and more countries are looking to become members of that organisation, said Col. Andrei Bogodel, Deputy Head of the Department for Educational and Scientific Work – Head of the Educational and Methodology Department of the Faculty of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Military Academy of Belarus, during the Minsk – Moscow stream

Photo: video screenshot

On the topic of Belarus’ BRICS prospects, Col. Bogodel noted, “Belarus is a partner you don’t expect any nasty surprises from. Everyone will be interested in co-operation with such a country, especially considering that we are a European nation with prospects (and I don’t think those prospects are going anywhere) to provide transport routes and links to Europe, Western Europe in particular. The lawlessness that reigns there now is not going to last for decades, in my opinion.”

The expert added that the West will keep trying to impede BRICS development.

“The Anglo-Saxons are doing everything to scuttle our plans. They are desperate to get to the backstage. Initially, they were not serious about it, but now, we see countries with enormous economic potential, very powerful nations as BRICS members. Is membership in such a club desirable? You bet,” emphasised the speaker.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin noted earlier, BRICS contribution to the global GDP has already surpassed that of the G7 countries.

“The talk about the Global South has started mere 10 years ago. Today, the geopolitical poles are starting to switch in many aspects. Even G7 is not at the top anymore, they are not as formidable as they used to be. That says a lot,” added Mr. Bogodel.