Posted: 21.09.2022 10:23:00

Bloomberg: probability of recession in Eurozone in the coming year has reached 80%

According to the economists’ forecast, the likelihood of an economic downturn in the Eurozone for two straight quarters in the next twelve months has reached 80 percent, TASS reports


According to Bloomberg, experts did not rule out that inflation may peak at 9.6 percent in the final three months of the year. At the same time, earlier the Head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde, said that the goal of the regulator is to return inflation to 2 percent. Experts believe that this goal will not be achieved before 2024.

Moreover, many economists expect a 75 basis-point increase in the key interest rates next month. Thus, the rate on deposits can reach 1.5 percent. At the same time, by February this rate, according to the experts surveyed, may rise to 2 percent.