Posted: 13.03.2024 14:37:00

Belarus, Vietnam have long-standing friendly ties

To develop relations between Belarus and Vietnam, it is important to systematically and effectively increase interaction between young people – as noted by Bui Quang Huy, an alternate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) and the Chairman of the National Committee on Youth of Vietnam, before a meeting of deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus with the Vietnamese delegation

The Vietnamese delegation of the HCYU Central Committee, led by the HCYU First Secretary Bui Quang Huy, has paid a working visit to Belarus – upon the invitation of the deputy of the House of Representatives, Secretary of Belarus’ Communist Youth League Sergei Klishevich.

“Belarus and Vietnam have long-standing, close, and friendly ties that began to develop since Soviet times, and there are many interesting pages in the history of the bilateral friendship. We remember how Belarusians helped the formation of an independent Vietnamese state in the fight against the Americans. Our countries have managed to maintain friendship and trust in each other in modern conditions,” Bui Quang Huy underlined.

He asserted that the programme of the delegation’s visit was rich and extensive, including visits to the Khatyn Memorial and Belarusian industrial giants.

“We plan to visit a range of industrial enterprises. In future, we’d like to focus on the development of bilateral relations, primarily between youth structures. Today we have the intention to sign a number of agreements. Vietnam views Belarus as one of its priority partners in the Asian direction, seeking to develop strategic partnership relations,” added the Vietnamese guest.

Issues of strengthening interaction between youth organisations of Belarus and Vietnam have been discussed during the meeting.
