Posted: 03.08.2023 09:28:00

Belarus’ Defence Ministry commented on flights of aircraft of Belarus and Poland

The Defence Ministry, together with the Foreign Ministry of Belarus, prepared and presented to the Polish side detailed data on the objective control of aircraft flights of Belarus, as well as Poland on August 1st in the border zone – as reported by the Belarusian Defence Ministry’s press service

There are no grounds for accusation of violating the state border – as is confirmed by the data of objective control.

“Belarusian helicopters were flying at an altitude of 150-200m, and the flight path did not approach closer than 1,900m to the state border. At the same time, on the same day, the Polish Mi-2 helicopter was flying 200m from our border, which was confirmed by the control data of radar stations,” the Belarusian defence department informed.

Moreover, in accordance with the requirements of the agreement on the exchange of information on the air situation near the joint state border and flights of military aircraft in the airspace of Belarus and Poland, signed by the Defence Ministry of Belarus and Poland's Ministry of National Defence, the Polish side was duly informed about the planned flights of helicopters.

“Committing any provocations in such a situation, when the movement of aircraft is unambiguously monitored by the adjacent side, is clearly illogical. In the course of the flights, the military department constantly interacted with the air traffic officer of the duty combat group of the Air Operations Centre of the Polish Air Forces Component Command, and we did not receive any claims against us from him,” the Defence Ministry noted.