5,000 more new jobs at Bellesbumprom
Over the years of modernisation, about 5,000 new jobs have been created at Bellesbumprom enterprises – as informed by the Concern’s Chairman, Mikhail Kasko
“Our enterprises are located countrywide – not only in regional or district centres but also small towns. Many of them are city-forming – such as Dobrush Paper Mill or Mostovdrev, for example,” Mr. Kasko explained. “It is hardly possible to ignore such an important result of companies’ modernisation as a greater contribution of the forest complex to the country’s economy as a whole. Over ten years, production volumes have more than doubled, while exports of the timber sector have grown 3-fold since modernisation was launched in 2006. Sales of products of deep wood processing with a high added value have significantly increased: exports of panels have grown almost 6-fold, of furniture, pulp and paper products – more than 2-fold.”
According to Mr. Kasko, opening of modern wood processing facilities has become an impetus for creation of enterprises engaged in the subsequent processing of our goods. For example, modernisation of panel making factories and the expansion of the range led to development of furniture manufacturing facilities in Belarus. Since the beginning of modernisation, their number has doubled to make 1,300 organisations at present.
“The branch has achieved a qualitatively new level owing to implementation of a range of investment projects and creation of new processing facilities. About 75 types of the most diverse in-demand products of deep wood processing are available now. They successfully compete in the markets of 65 countries due to their high quality, environmental safety and relevance. We sell more than 80 percent of all manufactured products abroad, and over a half of all exports goes to non-CIS countries, including remote Iran, Egypt, China, Thailand and Sri Lanka," Mr. Kasko added.