Posted: 21.11.2023 11:00:00

Strategic Project Council established under Belarusian President’s jurisdiction

In order to improve the planning, development and implementation of strategic projects, and the introduction of scientific results into production, the Strategic Project Council has been established under the jurisdiction of the President of Belarus, and corresponding Decree No. 357 On Strategic Project Council was signed by Head of State Aleksandr Lukashenko on November 20th, the Belarusian leader’s press service reports

Belarus’ National Academy of Sciences will be responsible for ensuring the activities of the Council, which will be headed by the Chairman of the NAS Presidium, Vladimir Gusakov.

The Council’s main tasks are defined as: co-ordination of work on the search and selection of promising strategic projects, as well as their support; analysis of the relevance, political and economic feasibility, competitiveness of proposed and implemented strategic projects; development of proposals for improving the implementation of strategic projects.

As reported, on October 20th, President Aleksandr Lukashenko held a meeting with focus on the improvement of the system of planning and monitoring the implementation of strategic projects. The Head of State recalled that, in spring, he instructed the Government, the National Academy of Sciences and his aide Aleksandr Kosinets to work out the creation of a so-called brain core in the country capable of evaluating and supervising large-scale projects.

"We need a centre that will operate under the President’s jurisdiction, on behalf of the President and in connection with the President, and that will force all of you to implement these projects," the Head of State explained.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed the importance of strategic projects, “They are the future not only of any system, but of any country as a whole. Speaking of Belarus, strategic projects are the future of our country."

"No person, no system, no state can exist without a future," the President added.