Posted: 14.05.2023 13:52:00

Sergeyenko: trinity of national symbols reflects Belarus’ centuries-old history and traditions

The trinity of national symbols reflects the centuries-old history, traditions and peculiarities of Belarus, and they are cherished by Belarusian young people – as stated by the Head of Belarus President Administration, Igor Sergeyenko, at a solemn ceremony held today at the National Flag Square in Minsk

“The day when we celebrate our national symbols is a wonderful holiday. The flag, the emblem and the anthem are the symbols of our statehood, of Belarus’ independence – and every citizen of the country must remember this,” Mr. Sergeyenko said.

As noted by the Head of the President Administration, festive events are taking place countrywide today. “People should remember, they should honour. Our country has achieved a lot, but the prospects are still huge. The guidelines for this development are set in the President's Address to the Belarusian people and Parliament,” he added.