Posted: 22.07.2024 17:38:00

MP explains why West trying to drag Belarus into conflict and why it won’t work

Dragging Belarus into the conflict is a way for the West to prolong the war in order to earn more money and weaken Europe even more – as noted by Oleg Gaidukevich, the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Commission on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, in his talk with the Belarus 1 TV channel

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As the expert noted, the authorities of European countries assure their citizens that Belarus is preparing for war.

“But we see statistics on how many people [from Europe] arrive in Belarus every month. All of them, when they return, tell their governments: ‘Every day you scare us with Belarus, saying that they are preparing to attack and that there is a threat from this country. You say that we must tolerate problems in the economy, that you will not deal with migration and other internal issues, because we need to prepare for war with Belarus. But we have been there. People do not want any war, no one is preparing, and there is no escalation of the situation’,” the deputy stressed.

He also recalled the President’s words that the West’s goal is to drag Belarus into the conflict.

“This is now the only optimal way for them to extend this war by expanding the geography of the conflict. They do not believe in any victory over Russia, so they have to think how to prolong the situation, weaken Europe even more, and earn more money. The President of Belarus understands this. The most wrong decision for us would be to succumb to their provocations. We must prevent this in every possible way. This is not a weakness. We just don’t want to follow their script. Our President is a people’s leader, who knows what people want — so that there is no war,” the deputy added.

The parliamentarian shared his opinion on why the West fails to involve Belarus in the conflict, “On the one hand, it is military power and nuclear weapons. We have shown not Ukrainians, but those who stand behind them, that we can respond. On the other hand, the intelligence services of neighbouring countries – although they are not independent and are completely subordinate to Washington – receive information every day that Belarus did not actually prepare, is not preparing and is not going to prepare any attack. One more thing: we don’t believe the West anyway. Our military component remains, we will never allow a situation where we are suddenly attacked and taken by surprise.”